60+ Activity Center 20 SE 2nd, Newport, OR 97365 |
541.265.9617 |
Meals on Wheels | 541.574.0669 |
Connect with Us
Monday-Friday | 8:00am - 4pm |
Ways to Help
Friends of the 60+ Center Amazon Smile
Friends of the 60+ Center Fred Meyer Community Rewards (Listed under "The Friends of Newport Senior Activity Center" #CU972)
Upcoming Events
All of the classes/programs offered at the Newport Recreation Center and the Newport 60+ Activity Center are now available to sign up for online. Go to and click on the yellow banner to browse the catalog. Also, the Recreation Center home page has really good videos on how to create an account and sign up for classes. Another option is to call the office @ 541-265-9617 and someone can sign you up! 541-265-9617.
The Toledo Public Library is sponsoring this introduction to computers class. Six laptops will be supplied or bring your own laptop of I-pad. Class size is limited to 12. It will meet the third Wednesday of each month for five sessions, which will include Internet Basics, Cyber Security, E-Mail Basics, Mobile Devices, and Video Conferencing.
Steven Neptink of Samaritan Physical Therapy Services will discuss the many benefits of physical therapy.