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Business License Information

The City of Newport requires a business (any for-profit or not-for-profit enterprise, establishment, store, shop, activity, profession, or undertaking of any nature operating within the city for more than 20 hours in one calendar year) to obtain a city business license.  The purpose of this requirement is to provide revenue for municipal purposes and to provide for the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Newport through the regulation of businesses, occupations, and trades.  This requirement serves the public interest by mandating that business will be carried on in compliance with applicable laws and in a manner that protects the public’s health, safety, and welfare.

Please see section 4.05 (Business Licenses) of the Newport Municipal Code (NMC).

Business License Application form.


Business License Fees

For information on Business License fees, please contact 541.574.0621

Persons obtaining business licenses shall pay the taxes set out in the following table:



Standard Rate: $138.00 per fiscal year


In addition to the business license taxes, applicants for a business license shall pay a non-refundable application fee in an amount set by Council resolution.

Application Fee: $42.00

Ownership transfer or relocation fee: $42.00

Please note that in addition to a business license, certain business operations require a business license endorsement as well.