Building Opening
The library building is open to the public Tuesday and Friday from 10AM to 6PM, Wednesday and Thursday from 10AM to 7PM, and on Saturday from 11AM to 5PM. Patrons are able to browse both floors,
pick up holds, and use public computers, copiers, printer, scanner, etc. Holds waiting to be picked up are back in their original location, upstairs next to the elevator. Remember,
you'll need to have your library card, or know your card number, in order to check out library materials. Meeting rooms are available for use and may be reserved here.
Book Drops
The book return slots on the east side of the building and the drive-up book return box are always open.
Free WiFi
The Library has expanded its WiFi to cover our parking lots, no password needed. WiFi is available 6AM to 9PM.
Mobile Hotspots
We are now lending hotspots! A hotspot is a device that uses cellular data to provide wireless Internet access.
It is portable and will work anywhere there is cellular coverage. Newport Public Library hotspots will allow up to five WiFi-enabled devices to connect. Use them for email, surfing the web, downloading eBooks, streaming video, or any other function for which you would normally use WiFi or cellular data. Use of the NPL hotspots is subject to the Guidelines for Internet Use in the Policy Manual. Hotspot reservations can be made by calling the main library.
Assistance by Phone
Library staff members are available by phone to provide reference services, library eResource help, place holds,
and answer general information requests during our regular open hours. The library phone number is 541-265-2153. Email questions to [email protected].
New Library Cards
New library cards are issued in person during
open hours.
Purchase Suggestion
Do you have a title or author that you would like the library to purchase? Fill out a purchase suggestion
and we will add it to our collection development considerations. All genres, age ranges, and media are welcome!