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Citizens' Police Academy

Citizens' Police Academy** Please note -- our Citizens' Police Academy has been temporarily postponed.


The Newport Police Department holds its Citizens' Police Academy biennially. The Citizens' Police Academy provides an exciting opportunity for community members to learn more about the roles and responsibilities of the local law enforcement. Students will learn directly from our police personnel on such topics as Patrol Procedures, Criminal Investigations, Officer Safety & Defensive Tactics, Use of Deadly Force with a Firearms Training segment, Internal Affairs Investigations, and more.  It is designed to give the participants an overview of the various aspects of the Newport Police Department's function and operational procedures.

The Academy runs ten consecutive weeks, meeting every Tuesday evening from 6:00-8:00 p.m.  Applicants must be 16 years of age or older to attend the Citizens’ Academy. A background check will be conducted to confirm eligibility. Acceptance is based upon qualifications and background. There is no cost to participate in the Citizens’ Academy.





Citizens' Police Academy logoWhat is the Citizens' Police Academy?


Topics include the following:

  • Department organization
  • Patrol operations/Community Service Officer/Records
  • Procedural law regarding probable cause, arrest, search and seizure
  • Traffic law and enforcement
  • Selection and hiring process
  • Internal Affairs Investigations
  • Firearms introduction and training segment
  • Investigations of crimes against persons; property crimes; child abuse; domestic violence; internet crimes against children; homicide; narcotics crimes
  • Vehicle pursuits
  • Use of deadly force; TASER
  • Civil disturbance response
  • Detectives/Narcotics investigations
  • Newport PD Volunteer Program
  • Social Media in Law Enforcement


Firearms safety instruction